Flora of Barak Valley, Assam: With their Economic Utility (Vol 1)
by B K Dutta, M Dutta Chaudhury, P S Dutta
ISBN: 9789351300427
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Imprint : Regency Publications
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 15995.00
Biblio : xx+496p., 24 col. plts., 90 figures., 22 tabls., bib., 25 cm
Author Profile
Dr. Partha Sarathi Das, M.Sc.,; Ph.D is a faculty member in the Department of Botany & Biotechnology at Karimganj College, Karimganj, Assam. He specialized in Plant Taxonomy & Diversity.<br/> <BR> Prof. M. Dutta Choudhury is working as Dean, School of Life Sciences and Head, Department of Life Science and Bioinformatics, Assam University, Silchar. Also he is Director, National and International Academic Collaboration of the University.<br/> <BR> Prof. B.K. Dutta M.Sc., Ph.D. (Wales)., FPSI, FIMS
About The Book
The present title Flora of Barak Valley, Assam with their Economics Utility is a pioneer floristic work on the valley particularly on Herbaceous Flora. The present book provides the Historical and Geographical features vegetation pattern, materials and methods along with detail taxomic treatments of the collected species. The unique features lies in providing economic utility of the collected species based on field data and comparison with the established report of utility. The book also exhibit
Table of Contents
Abbreviations v <BR> Preface i x <BR> List of Figures/Maps/Plates xv <BR> List of Tables xix <BR> Part I: Introductory Account <BR> 1. Introduction 3 <BR> 2. Geographical Features 12 <BR> 3. Historical Features and Demographic Pattern of the District 21 <BR> 4. Materials and Methods 32 <BR> 5. Vegetation 35 <BR> Part II: Taxonomic Account and Economic Utility <BR> 6. List of Families of Fern and Fern-Allies [Arranged after <BR> 7. Key to the Families of Fern and Fern-Allies 44 <BR> 8. Key to the