Indian Herbs for Touch Therapy, Tattooing and Adornments

by Vipula Sharma, Romita Sharma, SK Sood, Suresh Kumar, T N Lakhanpal

ISBN: 9789351301141
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 10995.00
Biblio : x+316p., 12 col., plts., tabls.,bib., appendices, Ind., 25 cm

Author Profile

Dr. S.K. Sood is Professor and Dean, Life Sciences, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. His current major interests are in the theory and practice of systematic, flora of North – West Himalaya, ethnic tribes and conservation research.

About The Book

The present manual, the most comprehensive publication in the field so far, affords scientists, researchers, students and layman alike valuable updated interdisciplinary information from disparate Indian sources on 440 herbs used for touch therapy, tattooing and adornments by various ethnic communities to form a highly structured referenced work of great help to the world at large with details of current nomenclature, English, Hindi and Sanskrit names, distribution, reproductive cycle, part(s)

Table of Contents

Preface v <BR> Abbreviations ix <BR> NTRODUCTION 1–7 <BR> Essential Oils 1 <BR> Perfumery 4 <BR> Cosmetics 5 <BR> Current Status on Perfumery and Beauty Care 5 <BR> Enumeration 7 <BR> INDIAN HERBS FOR PERFUMERY AND BEAUTY CARE 9–349 <BR> EPILOGUE 351–357 <BR> LITERATURE CITED 359–378 <BR> APPENDICES 379–400 <BR> Appendix–I: Index to Total Number of Indian Genera and <BR> Species of Perfumery and Beauty Care Under Various Divisions of Plant Kingdom 381 <BR> Appendix–II: Index to Families of Per