Bioactive Phytochemicals: Perspectives for Modern Medicine Vol. 2

by Vijay Kumar Gupta

ISBN: 9789351301301
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 17995.00
Biblio : xiii+575p.,col.plts.,figs.,tabls., 25 cm

Author Profile

Dr. Vijay Kumar Gupta, Ph.D., FLS, London (born 1953-) <BR> Chief Scientist, CSIR- Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, <BR> Jammu, India. He did his M.Sc. (1975) and Ph.D. (1979) in Zoology <BR> both from University of Jammu, Jammu-India. His research <BR> capabilities are substantiated by his excellent work on <BR> histopathology, ecology and reproductive biology of fishes, turtles, <BR> birds and mammals, which has already got recognition in India <BR> and abroad. <BR> Dr. Gupta has to h

About The Book

Nature is a unique source of structures of high phytochemical diversity, many of them possessing interesting biological activities and medicinal properties. In the context of the worldwide spread of different diseases such as AIDS, chronic diseases and a variety of cancers, an intensive search for new lead compounds for the development of novel pharmacological therapeutics is extremely important. Medicinal plants would be the best source to obtain a variety of drugs and, therefore, such plants s

Table of Contents

Content <BR> Editorial Board v <BR> Foreword vii <BR> Preface ix <BR> 1. Alkaloids and Flavonoids: Versatile and Novel Bioactive Natural Products, a New Avenue for the Development of New Generation Anti-Phlogistic and Antiarthritic Agents 1 <BR> 2. Tumor and its Environment: Effort by Neem Leaf Glycoprotein to keep it Green 51 <BR> 3. Betulinic Acid and its Derivatives: The Potential Anticancer Agents 83 <BR> 4. Biological Activities and Phytochemicals of the Fruits of Vitex Plants 93 <BR> 5