Frustration Among Higher Secondary School Students

by Anu Jose Vengal

ISBN: 9789351302384
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Imprint : Scholars World
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 4495.00
Biblio : viii+48p.,tabls.,bib., 25 cm

Author Profile

Anu Jose Vengal Post-graduated in Zoology from St. Berchmans College, Changanacherry, Kerala. She obtained her Bachelor Degree in Education from Titus II Teachers College, Tiruvalla, Kerala and Post-graduate degree in Education from St. Christophers College, Chennai. She was a faculty in St. Thomas Trainning College, Thiruvananthapuram . <BR> As an individual as well as an aspiring teacher, she believes that hard work and dedication felt by the teacher helps in moulding creative and fertile min

About The Book

Frustration is a common emotion for teens. Adolescents face the stress of school, parental expectations, the need to fit in with a peer group and the desire to find their place in society. Although frustration is a normal part of growing up, learning to cope with frustration constructively is challenging for some teens. As a teacher, learning about teen's frustrations and guiding them towards healthy coping skills can help them thrive in those years of stress and strain, storm and strife. <BR> I

Table of Contents

Preface v <BR> 1. Introduction 1 <BR> 2. Reviw of Related Literature 10 <BR> 3. Methodology 20 <BR> 4. Analyis and Interpreation of Data 26 <BR> 5. Summary of Findings and Conclusions 38 <BR> Bibliography 41 <BR> Appendix 43