Evaluation of Ecotourism Resources in Nameri National Park of Assam
by Niranjan Das
ISBN: 9789351302391
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Imprint : Scholars World
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 8995.00
Biblio : xv+257p.,figs.,tabls.,bib., 23
Author Profile
Dr.NiranjanDas (M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D.), a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Business Administration, Tezpur University, Assam. He is working on the topic 'Evaluation of Ecotourism Resources and its Impact on Community Livelihood- A Case in Nameri National Park and Adjoining areas of Assam'. During his Ph.D. Dr. Das has availed the prestigious ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science Research) Doctoral Fellowship. He has been also availing Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the same organization.
About The Book
The present book has been prepared to meet the increasing interest of the academicians, tourists, researchers and entrepreneurs in the field of ecotourism. This book is attempt towards presenting a lucid account of the method applied for ecotourism resources analysis. Major emphasis is laid on the purpose, underlying assumptions, computations and the interpretations of the methods. The choice of the method has been demonstrated by choosing the evaluation of the tourist resources in the Nameri N
Table of Contents
Preface vii <BR> Acknowledgement ix <BR> 1– Introduction Pages: 1-36 <BR> 2–Growth and Development of Tourism 37-62 <BR> 3– LandScape of the Area 63-86 <BR> 4– Nature and Characteristics of Existing Tourist Resources 87-127 <BR> 5– Characteristics of Tourists and Facilities Available 129-162 <BR> 6– Ecotourism Potential And its Impact on Park’s Periphery 163-192 <BR> 7– Findings and Conclusion 193-208 <BR> Bibliography 209-226 <BR> Appendix 227-256