Diseases of Vegetable Crops

by Steferud, Alfred

ISBN: 9789351303770
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 7995.00
Biblio : xi+210p., figs., ind., 23 cm

Table of Contents

Introduction 1. Field Diseases of Beans and Lima Beans W.J. Zaumeyer & H. Rex Thomas 2. Root Rots, Wilts and Blights of Peas W.T. Schroeder 3. Blights and Other Ills of Celery A.G. Newhall 4. The Important Diseases of Lettuce Guy Weston Bohn 5. Cauliflower, Cabbage and Others J.C. Walker 6. Hazards to Onions in Many Areas J.C. Walker 7. Control of Diseases of Potatoes Eugene S. Schultz 8. The Fungi That Cause Rot in Sweetpotatoes Harold T. Cook 9. Preventing the Diseases of Pean