Food Processing and Bioactive Compounds

by Y. S. Reddy

ISBN: 9789351303954
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Imprint : Genetech
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 9995.00
Biblio : viii+288p., figs., tabls., ind., 23 cm

Table of Contents

"Preface 1. Bioactive Natural Compounds 2. Bioactive Natural Products 3. Bioactive Substances of Plant Origin 4. Bioactive Metabolites 5. Food Biotechnology 6. Food Processing through Biotechnology 7. Foods Derived through Modern Biotechnology 8. Environmental and Food Analysis 9. Food Processing and Food Consumption 10. Technological Advancements in Food Products 11. Nutritional Quality 12. Nutritional Quality and Modern Biotechnology 13. Nutritionally Improved Food Feeds 14. Nutritional Assess