Lightning Science and Lightning Protection Some Selected Topics

by NAM S

ISBN: 9789351308072
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 4995.00
Biblio : xii+129p., figs., tabls., 25 cm

Author Profile

The Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) is an inter-governmental organisation with a membership of 47 countries spread over Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America. Besides this, 12 S&T agencies and academic / research institutions of Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, India, Nigeria and Turkey are the members of the S&T-Industry Network of the Centre. The Centre was set up in 1989 to promote South-South cooperation through mutually be

About The Book

Lightning has always greatly fascinated, awed and frightened the humankind with its spectacular intense tree-like flashes. Though lightning and thunderstorms are vital to our life as they make nitrogen and also oxygen and free radicals available to the plants and other terrestrial organisms, these are capable of causing wild land fires, human and animal death due to electrocution/fire and if in close proximity, temporary deafness and rupturing of the ear's tympanic membrane due to loud cracking

Table of Contents

Foreword v <BR> HE Engineer Hilary Onek <BR> Preface vii <BR> Estelle Trengove and Foster Chileshe Lubasi <BR> Introduction ix <BR> Arun P. Kulshreshtha <BR> 1. The Lightning Protection IEC 62305 International Standard 1 <BR> Christian Bouquegneau (Belgium) <BR> 2. Lightning Protection of Power Transmission Lines and <BR> Distribution Transformers 31 <BR> Baboucarr Awe (Gambia) <BR> 3. Lightning Casualties Side-Flashed in Buildings 37 <BR> Robert Jallan’go Akello (Kenya) <BR> 4. Imp