Tropical Wild Silk Cocoons of India

by Mohanty, Prafullla Kumar

ISBN: 9789354613050
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2022
Price : Rs. 7095.00
Biblio : v+197p., figs., bib., ind., 23 cm

About The Book

In India, the production to tropical tasar silk remained next to mulberry silk for decades, constituting about 4 per cent of the total silk production. Here is an ever increasing demand for tasar silk owing to its strength, lustre and copper brown colour. The tasar silk production has stagnated and declined in the recent past through the demand is increasing. The important reasons for low production are attributed to traditional method of silkworm rearing on all trees in natural habitat, which e

Table of Contents

Contents Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Silk Scenario; Chapter 3: Taxonomic Profile of Silkworms; Chapter 4: Development and Biometry; Chapter 5: Biometry and Typology; Chapter 6: The Future Scenario.