Water and Wastewater Management in 2 Vols

by Singh, Vikas, D. R. Khanna, Gagan Matta & R. Bhutiani

ISBN: 9789383129034
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 19995.00
Biblio : xiv+694p.,col. plts., figs., tabls.,ind., 25 cm

Author Profile

Dr. D.R. Khanna is working as Professor & Head, Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar.

About The Book

This book covers the physico-chemical and biological water quality status of various fresh water resources. It reflects new achievements of researchers in many countries, representing the current international level on water and wastewater treatment technology. This book could probably helpful as a reference guide for students and professional in the wastewater industry. It reflects the latest advances and critical topics in water supply and treatment.

Table of Contents

— Volume 1 — Preface 1. Plankton Ecology in Two Groundwater Irrigated Paddy Fields, Indira 2. A Preliminary Study of Zooplankton Diversity of Ramala Lake District Chandrapur, Maharashtra 3. An Appraisal of a Wastewater Treatment Plant for Pulp and Paper Mill 4. The Impact of Industrial Effluent on Growth of Cicer arietinum 5. Studies on the Sex Ratio of Chela untrahi of Bhadra Reservoir, Karnataka, India 6. Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Crop Plants through Irrigation of Contaminated