Eminent Indian Botanists: Past and Present Biographies and Contributions

by P Suresh Narayana, T Pullaiah

ISBN: 9789383129195
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Imprint : Regency Publications
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 13995.00
Biblio : xvi+426p., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm

Author Profile

P. Suresh Narayana M.Sc. (Botany), formerly Principal, S.S.B.N. Junior College, Anantapur (A.P.).<br/> <BR> Professor T. Pullaiah has been Principal, Sri Krishnadevaraya University College and Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences at S.K. University, Anantapur. (A.P.).

About The Book

The book includes the biographies and contributions of 75 eminent Indian Botanists and explains the foundations of Botany in India and its development from 16th century into modern times. The biographies mentioned herein include those plant explorers of the East India Company like Garcia d‘ Orta, Hendrik A. Van Rheede and H. F. C. Cleghorn who laid the foundations to Tropical Medical Botany. This also includes the biographies of the scientists of British India like E. Blatter, E. J. Butler, Geor

Table of Contents

"Preface Excerpts from Mail 1. A.K. GHOSH (1905–1985) 2. A.S. RAGHAVENDRA (1950– ) 3. ARCHANA SHARMA (1932–2008) 4. B.B. MUNDKUR (1896–1952) 5. B.G.L. SWAMY (1918–1980) 6. B.M. JOHRI (1909–2003) 7. B.N. JOHRI (1945– ) 8. B.P. PAL (1906–1989) 9. B.S. VENKATACHALA (1933–2007) 10. B. TIAGI (1921–2007) 11. BIR BAHADUR (1938– ) 12. BIRBAL SAHNI (1891–1949) 13. C.A. BARBER (1860–1933) 14. C.J. SALDANHA (1926–2002) 15. D.C. BHARADWAJ (1923–1995) 16. D.D. PANT (1919–2001) 17. E. BLATTER (1877–1934) 18.