Importance, Production and Processing of Seeds
by Stefferud, Alfred
ISBN: 9789388027366
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Imprint : Agri Horti Press
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 9495.00
Biblio : viii+264 p., 25 cm
About The Book
Agricultural production depends on a lot of variable factors. Basic catalyst of efficiency of all other factors is the seed. The seed has always been a key factor in agricultural production. Modern crop production and the science of agriculture also confirms that without seed quality we won’t have a successful agricultural production. Quality seed is that one which has genetic purity, physical purity, is healthy and has good physiological condition in accordance with the prescribed standards for
Table of Contents
1. What Seeds Are and Do: An Introduction 3
Victor R. Boswell
2. How Seeds are Formed 17
John W. Mckay
3. The Greatest Service to any Country 25
Marguerite Gilstrap
4. Age-Old Uses of Seeds and Some New Ones 39
5. Producing Seed of Hybrid Corn and Grain Sorghum 55
John M. Airy, L. A. Tatum, and J. W. Sorenson, Jr.
6. Seeds of Oats, Barley, Wheat, and Rice 67
Harland Stevens and John R. Goss
7. Producing Seeds of the Legumes 76
M.W. Pedersen, L.G. Jones, and T. H. Rogers
8. Producing