Rangeland Ecosystems in the Himalayan Mountains
by Vir Singh, R D Gaur
ISBN: 9789351300359
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 10495.00
Biblio : xviii+285p., plts., figs., tabls., ind., 23 cm
Author Profile
Dr. Vir Singh is Professor, Environmental Sciences, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, (Uttarakhand).<br/>Dr. R.D. Gaur formerly Emeritus Fellow (UGC) and Dean Faculty of Science, HNB Garhwal University, (Uttarakhand).
About The Book
Rangelands occcur almost everywhere on land’ surface of the Earth. In total, they cover about a quarter of the Earth’surface. According to some estimates, 70 per cent of the world’s total and area serves as rangelands. In the Himalayan areas, they occupy quite an appreciable proportion of the geographical area, ranging from some 60 to more than 80 per cent. Despite this dominance of the range ecosystems on Earth, they remain relatively less understood and grossly neglected in the policy framewor
Table of Contents
Contents Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Rangeland in Retrospect; The Rangeland, Diversisty of Fodder Species, Main Fodder Resoursed, Range-based Livestock Production, Chemical Composition of Range Fodders , Factors Inducing Range Degradation, Improvement of Rangelands; Chapter 3: Fodder Diversity and Ethnobotany; The Uttarakhand Himalaya, Field Survey,Plant Collection,Preservation and Maintenance, Diversity of Fodder Species, Fodder Species in High Altitude and Alpine Zones, Ethnobotancal V