by T Pullaiah, B Ravindra Reddy, KLAP Sarma
ISBN: 9789351301295
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 8495.00
Biblio : ix+228p.,figs.,tabls., 25 cm
Author Profile
Prof. K.L.A.P Sarma, is working as Professor and Head, Department of Statistics, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapuram – 515 003 since 1981. Born on 17-5-1953, Prof. Sarma worked as Chairman, BOS for 9 years and having 32 years of teaching experience of Micro-biology and Sericulture coureses. He has guided 8 M.Phil. candidates and 12 Ph.D. candidates successfully and 3 more candidates are presently working for Ph.D. degree.<br/> <BR> Dr. B. Ravindra Reddy is Assistant Professor of Statist
About The Book
The book 'Biostatistics' consists of ten chapters explaining statistical tools used in analyzing biological, biomedical and biochemical experimental data. Statistical tools, techniques and methods are explained with many real life problems and special care is taken to explain mathematical formulae and calculations keeping in view that the readers are non-mathematical students who are not having much mathematical background. <BR> The book mainly concentrates on (1) Collection, classification and
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Biostatistics 1-14 <BR> 1.1. Need for decision making (DM) 1 <BR> 1.2. Basic concepts 3 <BR> 1.3. Sampling techniques 7 <BR> 1.4. Simple random sampling (SRS) 8 <BR> 1.5. Stratified random sampling (StRS) 10 <BR> 1.6. Systematic sampling (SyS) 11 <BR> Review questions and problems 12 <BR> References 14<br/> <BR> 2. Collection, classification and tabulation of data 15-26 <BR> 2.1. Introduction to collection of data 15 <BR> 2.2. Editing of data 16 <BR> 2.3.