Organic Farming and Management of Biotic Stresses
by Biswas, Samir Kumar & Samir Pal
ISBN: 9789351304555
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 18995.00
Biblio : xii+662p., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm., 1750 gms
About The Book
The book title “Organic Farming and Management of Biotics Stresses” is based on Organic Agriculture and sustainable pests and disease management. Sustainable development is the ultimate destination of any program launched by any country at any period of time. Modern agriculture is mostly governed by non renewable energy where billions of chemicals are consumed annually. That is working against natural balance and taking the human society from stable to instable position. Therefore, there is an u
Table of Contents
1. Organic Farming and Sustainable Development in Agriculture
Devesh Nagar, Virendra Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, Praveen Kumar and
S.K. Biswas
2. Organic Agriculture: An Approach for Sustainable Food Production
and Environmental Security
Deepak Kumar Verma, Mukesh Mohan, Bavita Asthir and Subhas
3. Organic Farming: A Glimmer of Hope
Manish Kanwat, S.P. Singh, P. Suresh Kumar, V.K. Chaudhary, Anup
Chandra, R. Bhagawati, A.K.K. Singh, P. Sarma, M.S. Baruah, Tony C.
Peter and R. Sarmah