General Ichthyology
by JSDatta Munshi
ISBN: 9789351305286
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 11495.00
Biblio : xiv+333p.,plts.,figs.,tabls.,ind., 25 cm
Author Profile
Jyotiswarup Datta Munshi (1930- ) born 8 February, 1930, Ph.D Banaras Hindu University (1959), Professor and Head, Post-Graduate Department of Zoology, Bhagalpur University 1970-1992. Formerly, Lecturer in Zoology, Patna University (1952-62), Reader in Zoology, Banaras Hindu University (1962-70), Professor Datta Munshi continued to be associated with Bhagalpur University as CSIR Emeritus Scientist (1992-95) and Senior Scientist, INSA (1996-2000).
About The Book
The book on “General Ichthyology” deals with air-breathing fishes which have evolved on several occasions. Evolution of the first bony fishes during the late Silurian and Devonian period produced two new features, lobe fins and the lung fishes. <BR> Animals inhabiting the water/air interface show many morphological and physiological adaptations designed with different types of function in that unique environments. In the present age there are new challenges. These include climatic change and con
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement vii <BR> Preface ix <BR> 1. Evolutionary Biology 1 <BR> 2. Origin of Fishes 7 <BR> 3. Evolution of Air-breathing Habit in Vertebrates 35 <BR> 4. Morphometrics of the Respiratory Organs of the <BR> Indian Green Snake-Headed Fish, Channa punctata 44 <BR> 5. Evolutionary Transformations of the Respiratory Islets <BR> of Air-breathing Organs in Teleostean Fishes 67 <BR> 6. Chloride Cells in the Gills of Freshwater Teleosts 104 <BR> 7. Respiratory Surface Area Metabolism Relatio