Ornamental Plants and Garden Design in Tropics and Subtropics in 2 Vols
by Sadhu, M.K., T.K. Bose & T.K. Maity
ISBN: 9789354611254
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2022
Price : Rs. 36895.00
Biblio : 1054 p, more than 7000 col.figs., tabls., gloss., bib., ind., 29 cm
Author Profile
T.K. Bose (Born in 1931): M.Sc. (Ag.), Ph.D. of Calcutta University; Former Horticulturist and Secretary the Agri-Horticultural Society of India; Project Coordinator All India Coordinated Floriculture Improvement Project (ICAR); Professor and Head, Department of Horticulture; Dean, Faculty of Agriculture; Director of Research, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal; Member, State Agriculture Commission, West Bengal; Member of scientific advisory committees of ICAR, CSIR (Govt. of Indi
About The Book
During the last six decades, with the increase in awareness of the serious adverse effects of environmental pollution and climate change on living beings on the earth, afforestation, roadside plantation, landscaping, development of botanic gardens, arboretums, parks, private and public gardens have created a great demand for planting materials.
With a steady increase in the demand of cut flowers, cut foliage and pot plants of many flowering and ornamental plants like rose, chrysanthemum, carnat
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements v
Preface vii
Dedication xi
Contributors xxvii
Volume 1
1. Importance, uses and scope of ornamental horticulture 1-27
2. Improvement of ornamental plants 29-48
3. Garden tools, implements, machineries and accessories 49-60
4. Propagation, establishment and management of nursery
of ornamental plants 61-80
5. Greenhouse technology and cultivation of
ornamental plants 81-95
6. Trees 97-194
7. Shrubs 195-281
8. Bulbous plants 283-345