Fish Population Dynamics and Stock Assessment
by Felix, S, R Durairaj, N Jayakumar & P Jawahar
ISBN: 9789354612503
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2022
Price : Rs. 4895.00
Biblio : 2018, xii+127p., figs., tbls., 25cm
Author Profile
Dr N Jayakumar started his career as Assistant Professor in 2005 and he is presently working as Assistant Professor and Head in the Department of Fisheries Resource Management in Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Fisheries College and Research Institute, Ponneri, a constituent of Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University. Earlier, he served as Fisheries Science Teacher under the Ministry of Education in the Republic of Maldives for about six years from 1999 to 2005. He published about 40 research
About The Book
Fisheries tend to collapse because of fleet over-capacity, leading to harvesting the stocks of fish beyond their ability to recover. On the other hand, fish stocks may also be under-utilized because of fleet under-capacity. The fishery managers have to strike a balance by directly controlling the fishing capacity (input control) and/or by setting restrictions on the catch (output control). The key factor in the success of striking this balance is the application of fisheries management based on
Table of Contents
Foreword v
Message vii
Preface ix
Symbols xiii
1. Introduction 1
2. Principles of Stock Assessment 6
3. Data Requirement of Stock Assessment 11
4. Biological Structure of Fisheries Resource in Space and Time 14
5. Indicators of Dynamics in Fishery Resource 16
6. Sampling Techniques 21
7. Age Determination in Fish 23
8. Stock Structure Analysis 33
9. Growth Models 40
10. Mortality Parameters 52
11. Gear Selection 63
12. Surplus Production Models 74
13. Analytical Models