Textbook of Home Science Extension Education
by Santosh Ahlawat, Serene (Gote) Shekhar
ISBN: 9789383048489
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 7995.00
Biblio : xii+218p.,tabls., bib., 23 cm
Author Profile
Dr. Serene Shekhar is an Assistant Professor in Department of Extension and Communication Management, ASPEE College of Home Science and Nutrition, at Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat.<br/> <BR> Dr.Santosh Ahlawat is Professor and Head, Department of Extension and Communication Management, ASPEE College of Home Science and Nutrition at Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat.
About The Book
This is a textbook, written on the basis of new syllabus recommended by 4th Dean’s committee. This book is majorly for undergraduate and postgraduate students in extension education at Home Science College. It shall also serve as reference book for extension students of Agriculture, Veterinary, Forestry, Fisheries, Basic Science etc. in the Universities, College and Institutes. It shall also serve as handbook for Government Departments, Non- Government Organizations, Rural Banks and Cooperatives
Table of Contents
Foreword v <BR> Preface vii <BR> Introduction to Home Science <BR> 1. History of Home Science 3 <BR> 2. Home Science Education: Misconcepts and Scopes 11 <BR> Home Science Extension and Rural Development <BR> 3. Introduction to Home Science Extension 25 <BR> 4. Role of Home Science in Rural Development 37 <BR> 5. Historical Development of Extension Education 40 <BR> 6. Community Development Programme and Panchayati Raj Institutions 46 <BR> 7. Women and Child Development Programmes 51 <BR> 8. Agr