Algal Flora of Chilika Lake
by Jnanendra Rath, Siba Prasad Adhikary
ISBN: 9789383129089
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 7995.00
Biblio : xvi+206p., 30 col. plts., tabls.,ind., 23 cm
About The Book
The book presets a detail account of algae of Chilika Lake, the largest brackish water lagoon in Asia, in the East coast of India. The algal forms of the lake were collected during the year 1999 to 2001, documented with microphotograph and camera lucida diagrams and identified by us. The taxonomic account of these algal forms has also been prepared. Besides the documentation of algal forms, resource mapping and biomass estimation of economically important algal species in different salinity grad
Table of Contents
Contents Chapter 1: Chilika Lake and its Biodiversity; General features of Chilika lake, Origin and history of the lagoon, Importance of Chilika lake, Chilika lake as a Ramsar site, Hydrology and water quality, Climate, Problems encountered by the lake, Biodiversity of Chilika lake, Biodiversity of marine algae in the brackish water lakes, estuaries and coastal regions of India; Chapter 2: Algal Flora of Chilika Lake; The study sites, Collection, observation and identification, Systematic accoun