Ecobiology of Aquatic Insects
by Harbhajan Kaur, Arvind Kumar
ISBN: 9789383129386
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 8995.00
Biblio : xi+247p., col. plts., tabls., ind., 23 cm
Author Profile
Dr. Arvind Kumar is Vice-Chancellor of Magadh University and had been Vice-Chancellor of Vinoba Bhave University. Dr. Kumar is recipient of several awards and medals including Prof. WA Nizam Gold Medal by the Zoological society of India, Dr. S.Z Qasim Gold Medal.<br/>Dr. Harbhajan Kaur is the Sr. Reader in the Department of Zoology, Punjabi University, Patiala.
About The Book
The factors governing life on earth are changing constantly and the same is true for life too. The unique property of the aquatic insects is their ability to changes in the themselves, accepting the challenge caused by changes in the surroundings and this has enabled to exploit the environment successfully, leading to their survival multiplication and continuation on earth since first appearance. This book is the compilation of esteemed articles of internationally acknowledged experts in the fie
Table of Contents
Contents Chapter 1: Quantitative Assessment of Predatory Insects and their Integration with Varied Factors in Some Fish Culture Ponds by Manish Chandra Varma, Shiv Kumar, Raghbendra Pratap and Arvind Kumar; Chapter 2: Genotoxicity of Cadmium Assessed by the Micronucleus Test on Channa punctatus (Pisces : Family-Channidae) by N K Tripathi and Anurag Dubey; Chapter 3: Diel Vertical Migration of Zooplankton in Andaman Sea by I K Pai, Sameer Terdalkar, M L Pereira and F M Morgado; Chapter 4: Biologi