Catalogue of Indian Insects in 5 Volume
by Thomas Bainbrigge Fletcher
ISBN: 9789386615565
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 49995.00
Biblio : x+1694p., 25 cm
Author Profile
Thomas Bainbrigge Fletcher (1878-1950) was an English entomologist. He worked in the Royal Navy; he became an expert on the "microlepidoptera" and was appointed as the second Imperial Entomologist in India, succeeding Harold Maxwell-Lefroy at the Imperial Agricultural Research Institute at Pusa. He was a meticulous naturalist and very careful on matters of systematics and taxonomic nomenclature.
He produced a list of publications on India Entomology and Catalogue of Indian Insects. He also wrot
About The Book
The insects are the largest class in the animal world, out numbering of other animals. It is distributed throughout the world from the Polar Regions to the tropics and is found on land in fresh and salt water, and in salt lakes and hot springs. Insects represent over half of the planets biological diversity. Insects play a key role in our ecosystem. In India, there are large number of insects and it is very difficult to classify them correctly.
The book entitled "Catalogue of Indian Insects" is
Table of Contents
Preface v
Part I Acrydidae (Tettigidæ) 1.1–1.29
Part II Culicidæ 2.1–2.88
Part III Bombyliidæ 3.1–3.21
Part IV Trypetidæ (Trypaneidæ) 4.1–4.24
Part V Nitidulidae 5.1–5.26
Part VI Staphylinidae 6.1–6.82
Part VII Lasiocampidae 7.1–7.20
Part VIII Amatidæ (Syntomidae) 8.1–8.23
PART-IX Zygænidæ. 9.1–9.67
Part X Stephanidæ 10.1–10.9
Part XI Brenthidae 11.1–11.33
Part XII Tabanidae 12.1–12.58
Part XIII Cicindelidae 13.1–13.114
Part XIV Palpicornia 14.1–14