Plant Pathology: Fundamentals and Applications
by B Srinivasulu, M Rajamannar, T Nagalakshmi
ISBN: 9789386949226
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 6995.00
Biblio : viii+182 p., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm
Author Profile
Prof. B. Srinivasulu obtained M.Sc. (Ag.) Plant Pathology and Ph.D (Plant Pathology) from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Recipient of IDRC, Canada fellowship for the doctoral programme. He has been actively associated in research and development of plant pathology since 31 years in his capacity as Research Associate at ICRISAT, as Scientist, Senior Scientist and Principal Scientist at ANGRAU and as Principal Scientist at Dr.YSRHU. Dr. B. Srinivasulu is currently, Registrar, Dr.Y
About The Book
The book “Plant Pathology: Fundamentals and Applications” deals with history of plant pathology, classification of plant diseases, terms and concepts of plant pathology, classification of fungi, general account of phytopathogenic bacteria, plant viruses and viroids, plant diseases caused by fastidious vascular bacteria, plant diseases caused by mollicutes, plant diseases caused by protozoa and algae, phanerogamic parasites, non-parasitic causes of plant diseases, pathogenesis, survival and dispe
Table of Contents
Preface v
1. Introduction 1
2. History of Plant Pathology 9
3. Classification of Plant Diseases 17
4. Terms and Concepts Used in Plant Pathology 23
5. Classification of Fungi 27
6. General Account of Phytopathogenic Bacteria 59
7. Plant Viruses and Viroids 69
8. Plant Diseases Caused by Fastidious Vascular Bacteria
(Rickettssia like Organisms) 99
9. Plant Diseases Caused by Mollicutes 101
10. Plant Diseases Caused by Protozoa and Algae 103
11. Phanerogamic Parasites 109
12. Non-Pa