Wetland: Crisis and Options
by Goutam Kumar Saha
ISBN: 9789386949592
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 14995.00
Biblio : xviii+460 p., 25 cm
Author Profile
Goutam Kumar Saha passed B.Sc. (Honours in Zoology) from Burdwan University securing first class first position in the year 1981. In M.Sc. examination too, he stood first amongst the successful candidates in Zoology and received University gold medal. He was awarded his Ph.D degree from Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine and The University of Burdwan. He has published 160 research papers in different journals of International repute and authored 7 books/technical monographs in his credit. He s
About The Book
This edited volume is enriched with 27 lead articles contributed by the authorities in their respective fields and appears to fill up the vacant niche towards better understanding of this habitat both in theory and practice and thus meant to serve as a resource material for both undergraduate and post-graduate students, researchers, academicians, ecologist and environmentalists, nature lovers as well as common people by large. The present compilation provides diversified information ranging from
Table of Contents
Foreword vii
Prelude ix
List of Contributors xv
Part I: Wetland: Faunal Wealth
1. Indian Wetlands: Problems, Prospects and Potentials 3
Goutam Kumar Saha
2. Insect Diversity in Wetland Ecosystem of West Bengal 19
Asok Kanti Sanyal
3. Brachyuran Crab Diversity, Distribution, Behaviour and
Adaptation in Sundarban Delta 33
Malay Kanti Dev Roy and Nepal Chandra Nandi
4. Chironomids Associated with Rice Agroecosystem of
West Bengal: A Review 51
Sailesh Chattopadhyay and Abhijit