Management of Degraded Lands and Soil Health

by Verma, S K

ISBN: 9789386949943
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 9495.00
Biblio : xii+249p.,figs.,tables.,ind., 25 cm

About The Book

Land degradation is a concept in which the value of bio-physical environment is adversely affected. Land is the basic natural resource that provides habitat and sustenance for living organisms, as well as being a major focus of economic activities. Degradation of land refers to loss of its potential production capability as a result of degradation of soil quality and also its loss for effective use. The functional capabilities of soil deteriorate from activities related to agriculture, forestry,

Table of Contents

Acknowledgement Foreword Preface 1. Land Degradation: Problems and Prospects G.P. Verma 2. Land Degradation and Managing Ravine for Today and Tomorrow Akhilesh Singh, Subhash Thakur and Avinash S. Tomar 3. Chambal Ravines, Perspectives of Formations and Management Options S.K. Verma and Akhilesh Singh 4. Watershed Based Reclamation and Control of Chambal Ravines G.P. Verma 5. Modeling Soil Erosion from Watershed M.K. Hardaha 6. Silvipastoral Practices for Wasteland Rehabilitation,