Climate Events and Disaster Mitigation from Policy to Practice
by Rivero, Alejandro Linayo, Biswajeet Pradhan & Jayant K. Routray
ISBN: 9789388027007
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 9495.00
Biblio : xx+256p., figs., tbls., color phto., indx., 25cm
Author Profile
The Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) is an inter-governmental organisation with a membership of 48 countries spread over Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America. Besides this, 12 S&T agencies and academic / research institutions of Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, India, Nigeria and Turkey are the members of the S&T-Industry Network of the Centre. The Centre was set up in 1989 to promote South-South cooperation through mutually be
About The Book
‘Climate Change’ is a matter of great concern at the global level since it is leading to causing weather-related disasters and in making communities more vulnerable to the effects of disasters. There is need for disaster mitigation measures to reduce or if possible, totally eliminate the impacts and risks of hazards through proactive measures taken before an emergency or disaster occurs.
For alleviating the risk of disaster due to severe climate events, there has been a growing need for a concr
Table of Contents
Prof David Petley (UK)
Prof. Dr. Alejandro Linayo Rivero (Venezuela)
Prof. Dr. Jayant K. Routray (Thailand)
Prof. Dr. Biswajeet Pradhan (Malaysia)
Prof. Dr. Arun P. Kulshreshtha (india)
1. Changing Weather and Air Quality Patterns in Central European
and Mediterranean region
2. Global Warming and Climate Change due to Poor Solid Waste
Management: A growing Concern in indian Metropolitans
3. The Impact of Climate Change on Natural Di