Handbook of Fermented Food and Beverage
by Oralugbagbe, Gboyega
ISBN: 9789388027267
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Imprint : Agri Horti Press
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 7995.00
Biblio : viii+210 p., 25 cm
Author Profile
Dr. Gboyega Oralugbagbe worked as Professor of Food Science and Nutrition at University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Presently, Dr. Oralugbagbe is working as Food Consultant in the Area of Food Processing, Food Safety, Quality Systems, HACCP, Sanitation and GMP compliance.
About The Book
Fermentation became popular with the dawn of civilization because it not only preserved food but also gave it a variety of tastes, forms, and other sensory sensations. Slowly, people have realized the nutritional and therapeutic value of fermented foods and drinks and this has made fermented food even more popular.The art of fermentation originated in the Indian subcontinent in the settlements that predate The Great Indus Valley Civilisation.
The book is divided into 17 chapters which mainly co
Table of Contents
Preface v
1. Fermented Food: An Introduction 1
2. History of Fermentation 7
3. Basic Principles of Fermented Food 19
4. Kinds of Fermentations 30
5. Yeast Fermentations 35
6. Products of Yeast Fermentation 42
7. Bacterial Fermentations 54
8. Products of Bacterial Fermentations 68
9. Fermented Cereals 83
10. Products of Mixed Fermentations 103
11. Benefits of Fermented Fruits and Vegetables 114
12. Fermented Foods: Quality Control 119
13. Fermented Soy foods 125
14. Fermented Fish P