Nutrition at a Glance
by Awasthi, Madhvi
ISBN: 9789388027434
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 4995.00
Biblio : viii+128p., figs., tbls., 25cm
Author Profile
Dr. Madhvi Awasthi is a ‘Nutrition and Dietetics’ expert and currently serving as a ‘Clinical Nutritionist’. Dr. Awasthi has worked as an Assistant Professor at Lovely Professional University, Punjab. She has presented various papers in National and International conferences.
About The Book
The present book “Nutrition at a Glance” is a compilation of latest information which provides an overview of concise information. The book contains 15 chapters which include an introduction, energy, water and its functions, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, dietetics, human body organs and their disorders, dietary modifications, food science and technology, food additives, food irradiation and related miscellaneous facts. Glossary has been appended at the end for ready referenc
Table of Contents
Preface v
1. Nutrition: An Introduction 1
2. E nergy in Human Nutrition 9
3. Water and its Functions 13
4. Proteins in Human Nutrition 19
5. Carbohydrates in Human Nutrition 25
6. Fats in Human Nutrition 29
7. Minerals in Human Nutrition 35
8. Vitamins in Human Nutrition 43
9. Dietetics: An Introduction 51
10. H uman Body Organs & Their Disorders 57
11. Dietary Modifications 67
12. Food Science and Technology 71
13. Food Additives 89
14. Food Irradiation 97
15. R elated Miscellane