Textile Finishing: Basic Concepts and Application

by Gopalakrishnan, D, P Vinayagamurthi & S Kavitha

ISBN: 9789388027601
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 5495.00
Biblio : xiv+139p., figs., tbls., 25cm

Author Profile

P. Vinayagamurthi is the Head of Department of Costume Design and Fashion at Sri Jayendra Saraswathy Maha Vidhyalaya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore. He has spent over 24 years in the industy and his experience includes garment pattern development and industrial engineering. He also has 12 years of experience in Academic. He currently pursues his PhD in Textile Technology at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. He has a keen interest in developing industrially relevant applications for pat

About The Book

Finishing is a series of processing operations applied to a textile material to improve its appearance, handle and functional properties. The present book “Textile Finishing: Basic Concepts and Application” is specially designed to meet the requirements of students persuing diploma and degree courses in textile institutions. The first chapter of the book covers the classification of finishing of textile fabric and also focuses on important chemicals used in textile finishing. The second chapter

Table of Contents

Foreword v Preface vii 1. Classification of finishes 1 2. Mechanical finishing 15 3. Functional finishes 35 4. Special Purpose finishes 73 5. Recent developments in textile wet processing 121