Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Poultry Diseases
by Singh, Raghvendra Pratap, Vibha Yadav
ISBN: 9789389605815
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2020
Price : Rs. 4495.00
Biblio : 2018, xii+112p., figs., tbls., indx., 25cm
Author Profile
Dr Raghvendra Pratap Singh graduated (B.V.Sc & A.H, Hons) from GBPUA & T, Pantnagar and Postgraduated from I.V.R.I, Izatnagar in the discipline of Veterinary Public Health with Veterinary Immunology. He has published two research papers in national Journal of repute. Dr Singh is currently working as Touring Veterinary Officer at Indara, Mau, Govt. Bihar. Apart from academics, excelled in sports and games during stay at GBPUA & T, Pantnagar as captain, University volleyball team and Vice-Captain,
About The Book
The present book contains concise information on major disease management through applied poultry vaccination and also practical knowledge in the field. The book is immensely helpful in understanding the formulation of vaccination schedules for broilers, layers and breeders. The present book not only covers the preventive aspects of diseases but also contains the detailed information on theoretical and applied practical aspects of poultry immunology and vaccination. Language of the book is simpl
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements vii
Preface ix
1. Reovirus Infections 1
2. Newcastle Disease/Ranikhet Disease 11
3. Marek’s Disease 23
4. Infectious Bursal Disease 35
5. Infectious Bronchitis 51
6. Infectious Laryngotracheitis 63
7. Fowl Pox Disease 73
8. Egg Drop Syndrome’76 81
9. Chicken Infectious Anemia 85
10. Avian Mycoplasmosis 93
Index 110