Breeding and Seed Production of Fin Fish and Shell Fish
by Thomas, P C et al
ISBN: 9789390259182
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 14695.00
Biblio : xviii+402p., 40 col. plts., figs., tabls., bib., ind., 25 cm
About The Book
This treatise gives an up-to-date comprehensive account of the seed production technology of major species of fin fish and shell fish utilized for commercial aquaculture. Though copious illustrations in the text provides an orientation towards the students reader, the book shall be a valuable reference material not only for students but also for teachers, scientists, extension workers and planners. This book is perhaps the first of its kind as no single text book deals with such wide ranging spe
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements vii <BR> Foreword ix <BR> Preface xi <BR> 1. REPRODUCTION IN FISHES 1-39 <BR> Introduction 1 <BR> Sexuality in fishes 1-3 <BR> Sexual dimorphism 3-4 <BR> Reproductive cycle 4-14 <BR> Reproductive strategies 14-20 <BR> Fecundity and spawning 20-21 <BR> Courtship and mating 21-22 <BR> Style of reproduction 22-23 <BR> Hormonal/neurohormonal control 23-33 <BR> of reproduction <BR> Endocrine and neuroendocrine system in crustaceans 33-35 <BR> Eggs and larvae in fishes 36-39 <BR> 2. S