Plant Biodiversity and Taxonomy
by Singh, M. P., Singh B. S. & Soma Dey
ISBN: 9789390371013
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 9895.00
Biblio : x+260p., plts., bib., ind., 23 cm
Author Profile
Dr. M.P. Singh is Professor & Head, Department of Forest Sciences, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi (Jharkhand).
About The Book
The depletion of biodiversity is an alarming problem all over the country. The world conservation strategy suggests that the initial effort of biodiversity conservation should aim at establishment and maintenance of a network of protected area systems by making policy changes involving local people in the protected areas management and mobilizing financial resources for their conservation and protection. The problem of biodiversity conservation has become a global issue. It is being realized tha
Table of Contents
Contents <BR> Chapter 1: Plant biodiversity; Chapter 2: Phyto sociological region of india; Chapter 3: Phyto sociological region of the trans-himalaya; Chapter 4: Phyto sociological region of the west himalaya; Chapter 5: Phyto sociological region of the eastern himalaya; Chapter 6: Phyto sociological region of north-east india; Chapter 7: Phyto sociological region of the indian desert; Chapter 8: Phto sociological region of the semi-aridzone; Chapter 9: Phyto sociological region of the gangeti