Ornamental Fish Culture and Aquarium Management
by Dholakia, Anshuman D
ISBN: 9789390371082
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 13195.00
Biblio : 2019,. xxix+345p., col. plts., figs., tabls., 25 cm
Author Profile
Prof. Dr. A. D. Dholakia is well known expert authority in the field of Fisheries Science related literature. His first book was published in 1986 titled “Fish Processing Preservation and Quality Control” in Gujarati, which fetched Sahitya Academy Award from Government of Gujarat, the first of its kind in literature related to fish industry. His second publication was “Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of India” in 2004, an English book marketed at International level. His third book on “Ornamenta
About The Book
This book gives the details of Ornamental fish culture and Aquarium Management. It means how to identify freshwater and marine water ornamental i.e. decorative, fancy, colourful and beautiful looked fish. The art of keeping, breeding and maintaining such beautiful colourful fish in aquarium is also discussed in this book. In this book how to fabricate different types of aquarium in stepwise method is explained with figures. How to arrange different aquarium accessories and basic rules of arrange