Vegetable Genetic Resources: Principles and Management
by Bhardwaj, D R
ISBN: 9789390371839
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Imprint : DAYA
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 21395.00
Biblio : 2018, xii+586p., figs., tbls., ind., 29 cm
Author Profile
Dr D R Bhardwaj obtained post-graduate and Ph. D. degrees (Horticulture with specialization in Vegetable Science) from Institute of Agricultural Sciences, B.H.U. Varanasi (U.P.). Dr Bhardwaj has an experience of 27 years in vegetable crops improvement (research and development) under Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. Presently, he is working as a Principal Scientist (Vegetable Science) after joining of scientist (Vegetable Science) through ARS in 1991. He focused on augmentatio
About The Book
The present book has been written to fulfill the emergence of hue and cry for physical resources in the world which comprise land, water and the biological diversity. Management of landscapes for both production of food and conservation of ecosystem services and wild biodiversity forms the basis for eco-agriculture. In the regime of climate change, accelerated plant genetic resource collection, inventrization, PGR based technology development, assessment, refinement to maintain sustainability, i
Table of Contents
Preface v
1. Vegetable Genetic Resources: Centre of Origin, Diversity and Distribution 1
2. Evolution and Domestication of Vegetable Genetic Resources 45
3. Introduction and Augmentation of Vegetable Genetic Resources 59
4. Explorations and Collections of Vegetable Genetic Resources 79
5. Germplasm Evaluation, Characterization and Development of Core Set 117
6. Multiplication, Exchange and Safe Movement of Vegetable Genetic Resources 189
7. Monitoring and Manag